Being a parent for the first time was like my first day at school. Not knowing where to go or what to do.
Luckily for you there is lots of information just a click of a button away. The internet is full of useful and not so useful information. You also have Mums falling over themselves to offer their wisdom and experience.
With so many Mothers out there blogging now there is so much information on all the subjects you may need help with. Weather its going back to work. Meeting a new partner or just how to enhance your social life. There is also many tips available.
It’s a shame but unfortunately new babies don’t come with a manual !
Breastfeeding –
Babies are always hungry and it must seem that they are constantly feeding. Over time babies will get into a pattern. Don’t forget at first to feed your baby as often as they want it. This is baby led feeding. Don’t stop them, let your baby decide when they are full.
Changing Nappy –
Frequently change your babies nappy. Leaving them in wet or a dirty nappy for long periods of time can make their skin sore and lead to nappy rash.
Crying baby –
This is their way of telling you they need something, whether its food, nappy change or a cuddle.
Sleeping –
Babies can sleep 2 to 3 hours at a time throughout the day and night. Having only very small stomachs this means they will need to wake to feed small and often. As they start to grow they will need less feeds and will sleep for longer.
How to tell if your baby is ill –
It’s sometimes very difficult to tell. Remember you know your baby, so trust your own instincts. If your babies appearance or behaviour is worrying seek advice either calling 111 of if an emergency call 999 as soon as possible.
If you like the photography throughout this blog then please get in touch with me –
Check my page – matt spooner photography
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I have a newborn studio located within Plympton, Plymouth